| 2018 CMAU-GAMMA Joint Symposium_中国高等院校市场学研究会
Call for Papers
2018 CMAU-GAMMA Joint Symposium
The 2018 Global Marketing Conference (GMC) will be
held in Tokyo, July 19-22, 2018. China Marketing Association of University
(CMAU) and Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations (GAMMA)
jointly hold the 2018 CMUA-GAMMA Joint Symposium on "Marketing in Asia”.
Conceptual and empirical manuscripts are welcome. Accepted
papers will be considered for possible publication in special issue of
sponsoring journals such as Journal of
Business Research, Journal of
Marketing Science (JMS), Journal of
Global Scholars of Marketing Science after a double-blind peer review
Hosts: China Marketing Association of University
Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations
Theme: Marketing in Asia
Paper Language: English
Chair: Prof. Hao Zhang, School of Business
Administration, Northeastern University, No. 195, Chuangxin Road, Hunnan
District, Shenyang, 110617, China, hzhang@mail.neu.edu.cn, Tel:
+86-24-8365-6416, Fax: +86-24-8365-6416.
Date: 19-22 July, 2018
Submission Deadline: 15 January, 2018
Submit to: Prof. Hao Zhang, hzhang@mail.neu.edu.cn
Guidelines/Registration: Global Marketing Conference Submission Guidelines http://www.gammaconference.org/2018/
Each paper accepted to this joint symposium should be
sent to guest editor of special issue of sponsoring journals for 2018 GMC at
- Review process for full papers will be managed by
the guest editors.
- Author should notify their intention to publish in a
specific special issue to its guest editor.
For More Information
Please visit the following homepages:
2018 Global Marketing Conference at Toyko http://www.gammaconference.org/2018/
China Marketing Association of University //www.bjbrdy.com
会 议 邀 请 函
2018 中国高等院校市场学研究会(CMAU)— 全球营销和管理联合会(GAMMA)联合学术论坛
2018全球市场营销学术会议将于2018年7月19日至22日在日本东京召开。该会议每两年举办一届,此次是第六届会议。每届会议都会有超过500名全球营销学者参会,支持期刊包含Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, Internal Journal of Advertising,Industrial Marketing Management等SSCI检索高水平期刊。中国高等院校市场学研究会(CMAU)和全球营销和管理联合会(GAMMA)决定在此次会议上组织联合论坛,促进中国学者与国际学者的学术交流。论坛主题是“亚洲营销”。
欢迎广大学者投稿与营销相关的学术论文。优秀论文在经过双盲评审之后将会有机会发表于高水平学术期刊的相关特刊中,例如《商业研究(Journal of Business Research)》、《营销科学学报》、《营销科学全球学者学报(Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science)》等。
hzhang@mail.neu.edu.cn, Tel: +86-24-8365-6416, Fax: +86-24-8365-6416.
日期:2018年7月19日 — 22日
— 论文的评审程序按照赞助期刊的客座主编要求来完成,并参考赞助期刊的论文邀请函来进行投稿。
— 作者在投稿时就要注明自己的目标投稿期刊,以便论坛主席和客座主编进行沟通。
2018全球市场营销会议官方主页 http://www.gammaconference.org/2018/
中国高等院校市场学研究会 //www.bjbrdy.com
全球营销和管理联合会 http://www.gamma20.org