时间:2019-08-21       来源: 中国高等院校市场学研究会       浏览量:334      分享:





1、Title: Antecedents and Consequences of IT-Enabled Interaction: The Moderating Role of Interpersonal Tie. Chao FENG (Xi’an Jiaotong University,City University of Hong Kong),Xu ZHENG (Xi’an Jiaotong University),Guijun ZHUANG(City University of Hong Kong).


      Integrating the literature on information technology (IT)-enabled interactions and interpersonal ties, this study addresses two research questions: (1) what is the extent to which IT-enabled formal and informal interaction derive from key antecedents discriminately within the context of collaborative supplier-buyer relationship (2) Does the linkage between IT-enabled interaction and firm performance depend on the personal ties between boundary-spanning personnel? Accordingly, we draw on the resource-based theory to develop hypotheses that propose IT advancement (function as “we can”) and long-term orientation (function as “we will”) as key antecedents to IT-enabled interaction discriminately, as well as a direct but contingent relationship between IT-enabled interaction and firm performance. Based on the data collected from manufacturers, a model is devised and tested that examines these relationships through conditional mixed-process regression procedure. Findings confirm the validity of the model and afford various insights on the roles of IT advancement, long-term orientation and interpersonal ties between boundary-spanners in the proposed relationships. Lastly, implications are offered on the antecedents and consequences of IT-enabled interaction.



1、 Title:When good look backfires: The effect of visual attractiveness on the perceived naturalness of agricultural products and consumers’ purchase intention. Zhi Yang (Hunan University), Yueyan Wu (Hunan University), Luluo Peng (Hunan University), Nan Zhou (Shenzhen University).


      Past research suggests that consumers prefer visually attractive foods; in practice, a lot of edible but visually unattractive foods are discarded by retailers, creating huge resource waste. However, across four experiments that used different product categories (i.e., apples, potatoes and carrots), we found that visually attractive foods were actually less preferred by consumers because they were perceived as being less natural. To provide further evidence of the underlying processes, we manipulated the point of purchase and naturalness labels, showing that when perceived naturalness is guaranteed by either the location or naturalness label, the above effect disappears. Moreover, the disadvantage of attractive foods hinges on two conditions. First, unattractive foods should not be perceived as being abnormal. Second, for consumers with high food expertise, the drawback of attractiveness is mitigated. Our work will help with research in food’s visual appearance, retailing practices, and policy making related to environmental protection.

2、 Title: 善因营销中分割捐赠对消费者态度的影响 :品牌熟悉度的调节作用。 涂荣庭(深圳大学),汤昕斓(深圳大学),冯文婷(深圳大学),葛景瑶(深圳大学)。


    以往善因营销(Cause-Related Marketing)领域的相关研究与企业实践都表明,企业的善因营销活动通常是以企业为捐赠行为主体,每当消费者进行了一定的消费,企业便从其利润中抽取一部分出来投入慈善捐赠。本文从消费者作为捐赠行为主体的角度出发,提出“分割捐赠”的捐赠形式,即企业为消费者提供一个公益渠道或平台,消费者除了需要支付特定商品本身的价格,还需额外支付一定的捐赠金额以购买该产品来支持企业的善因营销活动。并进一步探讨了消费者在两种不同的捐赠形式下的感知参与度、心理抗拒程度与购买意向,以及品牌熟悉度在这一影响机制之中产生的调节作用。

3、Title: How Brand Concepts Represented as Human Values Promote Evaluation:The Triggering Role of Incidental Emotions.Yi Wu(Tsinghua University), Yuanyuan Cai(Shanghai Univeristy), Jiaxun He(East China Normal University).


     Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to examine how incidental emotions interact with brand concepts that are represented as human values to influence consumers’ attitude toward brands. It also explores the effect of construal level on such interactional effect.

     Design/methodology/approach– Three incidental emotion × brand concepts between-subject experiments were performed on consumers. The first two experiments used real brands as stimuli, while the third one featured a fictitious brand.

     Findings– Results revealed that the motivational congruency between incidental emotions and brand concepts leads to favorable consumer responses toward the targeted brand by inducing an experience of fluency. However, such effect only emerges among consumers with a high construal-level.

     Originality/value– This paper provides a new insight about the effect of brand concept represented as human values by identifying the role of situational factors (incidental emotions) and personal factors (chronic construal level), which are also easily administered and applied in everyday marketing contexts.

4、 Title: 聊信息, 还是谈感情?---消费者分享产品的内在机制研究。 李婷(武汉大学),黄敏学(武汉大学)。



5、Title: 亦惜玉衣亦惜时?—多功能产品呈现对消费者耐心的影响研究。 潘晶晶(中南财经政法大学),费显政(中南财经政法大学),游艳芬(新墨西哥州立大学)




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